What's new?

We're always making improvements to FoodChecker so it's as easy and helpful for you as possible.

Here's what's new:



August 2024

Assess foods and drinks supplied in Western Australia schools

Now you can assess the food and drink supplied in WA school canteens according to the WA School Food and Drink Criteria (the Criteria) as outlined by the WA Department of Education’s Student Health in Public Schools Procedures, Appendix B. Healthy Food and Drink (the Policy).

You can use FoodChecker to assess your current menu and recipes, and plan new ones.

You can also search the database to find over 10,000 branded products already classified GREENAMBERAMBER commercial savoury productSelected RED item, or RED. 


June 2024

We have discontinued one day assessments for long day care

From 1 June 2024, the long day care 'one day' menu assessment option has been discontinued. 

We're making some exciting updates to long day care assessments in 2024, that will make it much faster and easier to plan long day care menus that meets the Menu planning guidelines.

When this update happens, you will be able to plan as much - or as little - of the menu as you want, so there will be no need for a separate one day assessment function!

We have discontinued the one day assessment option, so you will be ready for the new and improved long day care assessments without any disruption!

Click here to read more.



January 2024 - FoodChecker has transformed!

Get live feedback and real time results

Next time you do a menu or vending assessment*, you'll see the classification of every food and drink instantly and get immediate feedback for a healthier result.


PLUS, see the percentage of GREEN, AMBER and RED items update on screen in real time.

pie chart

2x faster recipe input

It’s now faster and easier to enter recipes* because you don’t need to enter the quantities for most ingredients. Learn more.

* Please note, these updates to not apply to long day care assessments.



July 2023

Find ingredients faster!

Next time you add a recipe, type the ingredient keywords and the most common ingredients will appear at the top.

And if you can't find what you're looking for, simply scan the list of A-Z results below it.

Check it out. 

ingredient search example


June 2023

New URL, and changes to the way you sign

FoodChecker has a new home!

Foodchecker.au is the place to find out if your foods and drinks meet government guidelines for long day care, school canteens, retail food outlets, catering and vending machines.

The new URL will be in place from Monday 19 June 2023. If your web browser or password manager normally prefills your username and password, this won’t happen the first time you visit foodchecker.au, and you will need to enter your details manually.

Can't remember your password? Click here for help to sign in to foodchecker.au.


Assess foods and drinks supplied in South Australian schools

Now you can assess the food and drinks supplied in SA school canteens according to the nutrition-related standard of the Department for Education Right Bite Food and Drinks Standards for South Australian schools. 

You can use FoodChecker to assess your current menu and recipes, and plan new ones.

You can also search the database to find over 10,000 branded products already classified GREEN, AMBER, RED 1 or RED 2 according to Right Bite Food and Drinks Standards for South Australian schools.

For more information visit www.education.sa.gov.au/rightbite


April 2023


FoodChecker has a new look! Learn more about what has changed below:

Updated brand

FoodChecker has been updated with a fresh new look, and a new logo!

New look ‘My assessments’ screen

The My assessments screen has a colourful new layout, with the key information about each assessment at your fingertips.

New PDF reports for Victorian assessments

If you do assessments for Victorian organisations you will notice the PDF report templates look different. The new, streamlined reports contain the same valuable information, including a summary of your results and tailored recommendations for healthier changes.

Faster and easier assessments coming soon!

2023 is a big year for FoodChecker with more updates planned to make FoodChecker even faster and easier to use!


April 2022

Find out if your health services meets the Healthy choices: policy directive for Victorian public health services.

We've added a new assessment option for Victorian public hospitals and health services to assess the foods and drinks they supply to staff and visitors, via:

  • all vending machines
  • any retail food outlets (such as cafes, kiosks, restaurants) that are managed directly by the health service
  • items purchased by staff and visitors from patient/resident menus
  • all catering provided by the service to staff and visitors.

Next time you click 'Start new assessment', select 'Health services' and follow the prompts for the Policy Directive option.

NOTE: The Policy Directive does not apply to inpatient and residential aged-care meals, private hospitals and health services, or food and drinks brought from home for personal consumption.

Learn more about the Policy Directive http://heas.health.vic.gov.au/healthy-choices-policy-directive-victorian-public-health-services 


August 2021

Choose which criteria to use

Previously, the type of organisation you were assessing would determine which criteria was used. For example, if you were assessing a long day care service, it would be assessed against the Victorian Menu planning guidelines for long day care. If you were assessing a hospital, it would be assessed against the Victorian Healthy Choices guidelines.

Now, all FoodChecker users can choose which criteria they want to use any time a new assessment is started.


Link assessments for onsite retail outlets in your organisation.

If you’re assessing a retail food outlet that is located within another organisation, such as a university or hospital, you can link that outlet’s assessment to the ‘premises’ organisation.

Next time you start an assessment for a retail food outlet, you will be asked if the outlet is located in a hospital or health service, sport and recreation centre, university or TAFE or a school. If yes, you can enter the name of that organisation.


Assess foods and drinks supplied in Queensland hospitals and health services

Now you can assess the food and drinks supplied in retail outlet menus and vending machines in Queensland hospitals and health services according to the A Better Choice – Healthy Food and Drink Supply Strategy for Queensland Health Facilities (A Better Choice) and Health Service Directive.

You can assess retail outlet menus and vending machines, as well as individual recipes and products.

You can also search the database to find over 10,000 branded products already classified GREEN, AMBER or RED according to A Better Choice.

For more information about the A Better Choice criteria, visit https://hw.qld.gov.au/a-better-choice/healthcare


February 2021

We have updated some product assessment criteria, to align with changes made to the Healthy choices: food and drink classification guide (Victoria). Some of these criteria have been applied for Victorian schools assessments as well.

The criteria for the following categories have been updated:

  • Milk drinks (schools and Healthy Choices)
  • Dip and crackers packs (schools and HC)
  • Tuna (tinned and with crackers) (Schools and HC)
  • ice creams (HC only)
  • yoghurt (HC only)
  • sauces (HC only)
  • soups (HC only)
  • ready-made-meals (HC only)
  • breakfast cereals (schools only)

And we’ve added the following categories for:

  • high protein drinks (HC only)
  • ready-to-eat mini meals (schools and HC)

Previous menu and vending machine assessments that meet the Healthy Choices guidelines or schools canteen policy are still valid for 12 months from the date of assessment. As a general rule, we recommend that you do a new assessment every 6-12 months to ensure your food and drink classifications are based on the most up to date product information and classification criteria.

You can find the updated Healthy choices: food and drink classification guide and a guide to what’s changed here.


August 2020

In May 2020, extra criteria were added to the the Menu planning guidelines for long day care to provide clear advice on using the following ingredients on long day care menus:

  • added sugar
  • added fats and oils
  • sauces and condiments that are high in salt
  • spreads, such as Vegemite and jam
  • and ingredients to NOT include on the menu, such as deep fried and processed meats.

The updated Menu planning guidelines for long day care were published in May 2020, and came into effect on FoodChecker in August.

Learn about what these updates to FoodChecker mean for you here.


December 2019

We've upgraded the food and drink product database

In fact, we’ve completely transformed the way we source information about products, and automated our system of classifying them according to the Victorian school canteens policy and Healthy Choices guidelines!

Over the next few months you’ll have access to 1000s more food and drinks products classified GREEN, AMBER or RED, with updates occurring throughout the year!


October 2019

We've updated some product classification criteria.

The criteria to classify the following product categories has been updated:

  • Savoury snacks - Popcorn
  • Drinks - Kombucha and fermented soft drinks
  • Milk drinks - Milk and alternatives (plain and/or flavoured)
  • Milk drinks - Breakfast drinks
  • Drinks - Juices and Fruit Drinks
  • Drinks - Waters - Flavoured (Still, sparkling, soda)
  • Drinks - Coconut water
  • Savoury snacks - Crackers, crispbreads and savoury biscuits.

Read about the updated criteria for the Victorian
schools policy here and the Healthy Choices guidelines here.


We've added new product categories

Now you can classify the following pre-made, packaged products as GREEN, AMBER or RED according to the Victorian schools and Healthy Choices guidelines:

  • Tuna and cracker products
  • Coconut chips
  • Seaweed products
  • Canned/bottled coffee (water-based)
  • Salads
  • Sandwiches, wraps, rolls
  • Sushi and rice paper rolls


July 2019

Now you can assess vending machines!

Now you can use FoodChecker to find out if the foods and drinks in your vending machine meet the Victorian Government’s Healthy Choices guidelines.

Just enter every drink, snack, and meal in your machine to find out the overall percentage of GREEN, AMBER or RED items, and get tailored recommendations for healthier changes.

(Not available for long day care or school assessments)


August 2018

You can now assess kombucha and fermented soft drinks.

Just look for the new option under the 'Drinks' category. (Note: does not apply to long day care menu assessments).


June 2018

We've redesigned the My Assessments screen.

It's now easier to find what you're looking for. Sign in now to take a look.

Now you can:

  • search your assessments by name, organisation name, or ID number
  • see the of %GREEN, AMBER and RED on each menu at a glance.
  • filter assessments by result, assessment type (menu, product, recipe), completion status and date.
  • archive assessments, so they don't appear on screen (you can find them again if you sort by 'Archived')


It's now easier to tell which products came from the main database, and which ones you assessed yourself.

The products you assessed yourself will now always appear differently in the product search results, and in assessment reports (on screen and PDF). 


May 2018

You can now use FoodChecker to assess the foods and drinks provided in Victorian schools according to the Healthy Canteen Kit - School Canteens and Other School Food Services Policy.

You can assess your entire canteen menu, or classify individual products and recipes as Everyday, Select Carefully, Occasionally, or confectionery and high sugar content soft drinks.


April 2018

  • Search for GREEN, AMBER, and RED products by category.

    Find healthier sweet and savoury snacks, drinks, hot take away foods, ready-made meals, and much more!

    You can search more than 3000 packaged food and drink items in 14 different categories. Search and assess products.

  • Some ingredients are now easier to find, such as minced garlic, Nuttelex, and ingredients that are usually plurals (eg, strawberries).

  • We've added around 200 new products to the database,including ready to eat meals, breakfast cereals, sweet and savoury snack foods.


December 2017

You can search the title of recipe in the 'Common recipes' section using partial keywords.

For example, you can type “cass” to find all recipes with "casserole" in the title.


November 2017

  • We've simplified the options in the header (purple bar) so you can easily find the links you need.

  • Links to the 'Instructions' and 'Frequently asked questions' pages are now in the footer, so you can access these pages from anywhere in the website.

  • You can give your copied assessments a new name. For example, "Week 1 menu - version 2".

  • We've added instructions on the long day care menu assessment screen to show you where to add drinks.


June 2017

FoodChecker is launched!